May 3rd, 10:30AM, Boston: The Blazing Thing: Imagination in Fiction, Muse & the Marketplace
May 3rd, 2:30PM, Boston: After the MFA, Muse & the Marketplace
May 4th, 4-6PM, Boston: Redivider Launch Party, Sweetwater Tavern.
May 5th, 7:PM, The Internet: Authors LIVE, Short Story Skype Roundtable with Ethan Rutherford & Jessica Hollander, hosted by West Hartford Library.
May 8th, 7:00PM, NYC: Behind the Book with Akhil Sharma & Leah Hager Cohen, KGB Bar.
May 9th, 5:00PM, NYC: NYU with Rivka Galchen, Lillian Vernon Creative Writers House.
June 19th, 7:00PM, Boston: in conversation with Valeria Luiselli, Porter Square Books.
June 25th, Boston: in conversation with Porochista Khakpour, Brookline Booksmith.
August 3rd-8th, Nobleboro, Maine: Damariscotta Lake Writer’s Conference